Eating Disorders

It’s not about the food.

Anorexia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa. Binge-eating disorder.

They don’t affect just your life, but the lives of your family members, as well.

The suffering you experience due to your so-called “imperfections” is exhausting and depleting. We’ll challenge your inner critic to help you on the path to maintaining your recovery.

It’s your voice, your true voice that we work to uncover and empower.

Together, we’ll use process-oriented therapy and skill combination to challenge the destructive negative thoughts associated with your eating disorder.

The experience I gained by working at an inpatient/residential/partial hospitalization program facility has given me insight into the lives of those suffering with a wide range of the issues you’re facing.

You don’t have to live your life defined by a number on a scale.

Together, we’ll address poor body image by first separating weight from self-acceptance.

We’ll also challenge the idea of having to be “perfect,” as we know that perfection just isn’t realistically sustainable.

It takes a village.

Successful outpatient therapy requires a strong team.

We’ll coordinate with a dietitian and a medical provider to assess exactly what you need on your journey.

When working with an adolescent diagnosed with an eating disorder, family therapy provides another important component to the recovery process.

Recovery is possible. You don’t have to go it alone.

How can I help my child?

You suspect your child has an eating disorder. You’re upset. Frightened. You don’t want to see him or her suffer.
Feeling disempowered? Even helpless? It’s normal.

Whether you’re just beginning to suspect or you’ve been supporting your child with an eating disorder for many years, you can get the help you need.

You’re a key player, too.

Sometimes, you, as parents, need individual therapy so that the whole family can survive.

With me, you’ll have a safe space where you can get the support and education you need to help put your child on the path to recovery.

Together, we’ll treat the eating disorder through a personalized combination of individual therapy, family therapy, nutritional counseling and supervised meals.

As a family, we’ll combine methods for two goals: to emphasize the essential role that parents can play and to teach both parents and children the tools they need to help them manage their urges and behaviors.

And then we bring in the reinforcements.

You’ll also have the support of a strong outpatient team of specialists to help manage your child’s care, so you won’t feel so overwhelmed.

Having the help of providers uniquely trained and experienced in the treatment of eating disorders is imperative.
Call me at (984) 205-7283. I can help.

Let’s start the journey toward happy, healthy living today!